Monday, October 31, 2016

Guest Lecturer's

I loved hearing about how Jethro build his portable studio. He talked about how he'd build it during his masters and showed some of the things students had done with it. I loved how it was such a strong example of giving students freedoms but still keeping them restricted to certain boundaries. I was impressed by the things students of his were creating. He shared a quote that I loved that more or less said "you can't teach creativity but you can create a creative space". This really made me think about how I would want to set up my own classroom and what kind of projects I would want to give.

Dan talked mostly about obectontology. I'd never heard of the concept before but I found it interesting. I didn't fully understand it but what I did sounded like it was about the space between. He talked about how there is a scientific table, a cultural table and the space between, almost like the space between atoms. The reading he shared went over my head some but what I did grasp I found interesting and I think it's worth looking into more. He also talked about looking at objects and asking what do they teach us. We also went to see the newest show in the MOA.

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