Monday, January 23, 2017

ARTED 478 Lesson Plan #1- What is art?

Enduring Ideas: What is art?
Artist: Duchamp "Fountain"1917
Key Concepts: Understanding conceptual art. Students understand how hard it is to define art. Students understand the difference between personal taste and art appreciation.
Essential Questions: What makes this art? What makes it good or important art? What defines art?
Unit Objectives. Understanding Concept art. Purpose, definition, how it came about, the why, etc.
Instructional Plan:
Show the Fountain-> discussion about whether it is art or not without any explanation of the piece. Then explain the history of Duchamp's piece and what was happening in the art world and then discuss once again if it is art or not. Explain the concept of conceptual art
Share other art forms-> show other kinds of conceptual art and talk through what makes it conceptual, why it is important, clues as to the pieces' meaning, etc. Further help students understand the range and reasoning behind conceptual art. Also show different art making techniques that are often used such as appropriation.
            - make small pieces using the techniques discussed in class to practice making conceptual art.
Brainstorm-> Brainstorm with students ideas that they might make art about. Talk about current events, community, personal lives, etc.
Summative Assessment: Students will create an art piece using at least one of the techniques discussed in class. They will write a short artists statement of the concept behind their work.

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