Monday, January 23, 2017

ARTED 478 Week #2 - Exploratory Collage

Enduring Idea: Exploring/ discovering your world
Artist: Pat Perry
Key Concepts: Exploration, pencil techniques, pushing boundaries of what we see
Essential questions: What is important to me? How do I see the world?
Unit Objectives: Students will learn new drawing skills and vocabulary. Students will learn how to draw more meaning or observe more from daily life.
Instructional Plan:
Practice seeing things as they really are-> gesture drawings. Explanation of perspective, shadows and other vocabulary and tools.
Go outside and observe-> Further learning how to pay attention to things. Drawing objects from daily life that students find significant or interesting.
Learning how to draw from photos-> Learning how to use a grid. Students choose an image and draw it using a grid system
Summative Assessment: Students will create a collage-like drawing of things or people that are important to them or influence them using the skills learned in previous assignments. They will write a short paragraph of why they choose the things that they did. Link to Pat Perry's work:

I think a good metaphor for learning is a spiderweb. There are several different routes to get to the center, or the key idea. There is no one way to make a web, just like there is no 'right' way to teach. Each teacher needs to find their own method that works for them and their students. And there is no one way that students learn. Students come from many different angles and ideas. So it is the teachers job to join all these things together and help the students come join in the same place. And just like a spiderweb is delicate, so is the learning process. It takes a balance between the students and teachers to make things work correctly. If one is out of balance (or the strings too tight or too lose, etc.) the web can't hold and everything falls apart.

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